Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012 ~ Family and Childhood Friends Always Heal A Broken Heart

I know Christmas is already over but I haven't had a chance to even share Thanksgiving and all it's joy! 

My sister, brother-in-law and I drove to Texas to see the fam for Thanksgiving!  We had an enjoyable meal with uncles, aunts, cousins, and the parentals! 

Then the next day we were able to watch a second cousin get married and see MORE family, which is ALWAYS A PLUS!!!!!

Later that evening I met up with some of my bestest high school friends for a Thanksgiving Friends night!  I needed this night! 

The trip was really short but it was one of the greatest ones! 

It's Ok Thursday ~ Last One Of 2012

It's ok that I have been SO lazy today!!!!! 

It's ok that I have been reflecting a lot on my past year and not really knowing how I survived it.  2012 has been by far the worst year I have ever had.  However, even though it has been the worst as far as "events" go, it has definitely been a good year as far as growth goes.  I learned so much about myself this year.  I learned the importance of life in many different ways and I learned the value of love and the importance of faith.  I learned more of who I really am and the things I want to change to be who I really am supposed to be and THAT is something I would not take back for the world.  I hope 2013 is an amazing year!  I hope it is one that will by far be the greatest for me!  I hope to become closer to my amazing friends in both Texas and Arkansas, I hope to find true love and to be valued, I hope to become a better Christian woman and become closer to Him in all areas of my life!  
So with that I will end my last "It's Ok Thursday" of 2012 with....
It's ok that I'm SUPER DUPER excited for 2013!!!!!