"If you have an argument with your neighbor, don't tell other people what was said. Whoever hears it might shame you, and you might not ever be respected again." Proverbs 25:10
Wow, talk about conviction for me this morning. Last night I had some girlfriends over and I innocently told them about an encouter I had with another woman. It was one where I felt she had done something that was not very nice and I haven't been able to release it. I was explaining to my friends that I was having a hard time with forgiveness. Well, instead of just leaving it at that, I needed to get validation from them that it was ok for me to be upset and unforgiving. Not only was I carrying bitterness towards this other lady but NOW I just added more to that sin.
I am learning more and more that asking for prayer is GREAT! It shows that we trust our brothers and sisters in Christ. However, we need to make sure we are speaking of only our sin and not going into the problem and stumble into gossiping. We don't need validation from others that it's "ok" to be upset. Our validation comes from the Lord and He will give us peace and He will make all things right and good. When we seek that validation from others, sin follows. But when we seek that validation from our Father, healing and grace follows.