Saturday, January 16, 2016

Cynicism - A Hindrance To Joy

"Though joy is an amazing thing that expresses our trust in The Lord, sometimes our joy is hindered by cynicism. If we are not spending time with God daily through prayer, reading the Bible, or ministering to others, we get caught up in our own world and looking out for only ourselves. When bad things happen to us, we will quickly find a way to complain about it and over time we become cynical.

Think about it, when you are around someone who is joyful, they can impact you and literally change your day. Equally so, when you are around someone who is negative, they can have the same impact and crush your attitude for the rest of the day. It’s crazy to think of just how big of an impact we have on others.

As followers of Jesus, we have every reason in the world to be joyful. If we are being cynical at any time, we are not trusting Him and have forgotten about our first love. Be encouraged to continue going deeper in your relationship with Christ or perhaps, to return to your first love, where you will be satisfied with joy."

Author Unknown 

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